What will happen if Pakistan blocks NATO supply to Afghanistan?

Possible routes of supply of NATO supply to Afghanistan

What will happen if Pakistan blocks NATO supply to Afghanistan? The bilateral relations of the two countries became complex when U.S president Donald Trump announced his afghan policy back in July 2017, he accused Pakistan for allegedly giving safe heavens to terrorists, Pakistan representative in United Nations Maleeha Lodhi said that Pakistan lost 70,000 lives in War of terrorism,

she said Pakistan is not giving safe heavens to terrorists but the question is how ISIS captured some area of Afghanistan in presence of U.S? so come to the main point, if Pakistan blocks the NATO supply to Afghanistan then what will be the possible routes of America for going into Afghanistan? let's take a look at above map.

After Karachi, the Chahabar will be the shortest route for America for going in Afghanistan but Iran will not allow U.S because of relations of two countries are complex and became more complex when U.S government supported the recently protests in Iran. so if America visits whole world it will not get simple and easy route as Pakistan is giving to them, so if Pakistan blocks NATO supply then U.S can face very trouble in Afghanistan so the U.S needs to settle it's relations with Pakistan.

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